Thursday, 15 January 2015

The Versatile Blogger Award

Today I was nominated by the ever-so-lovely Lucy from From Pen To Screen for the Versatile Blogger Award and I am completely and utterly as chuffed as chips! Thank you so much Lucy, you and your blog are both absolutely amazing and gorgeous and this meant so much to me.
The Versatile Blogger Award is an award in which you nominate 15 of your favourite blogs, and if the nominees want to they can carry it on. You also have to post 7 random facts about yourself.
So without further a-do, here are my 7 facts:

1. I am obsessed with Banana Bread… 
2. I love dogs, I currently have one called Wicket and am hopefully getting a puppy for my sixteenth birthday this year
3. My favourite song at the moment is Matilda - Alt-J
4. My favourite shop is H&M - I always find something in there
5. When I was little, I wanted to be a waitress. I thought they were the most amazing people ever. Actually, I still kind of think that - how do they balance so many plates?!
6. Another 'Little Maddy' story: when I was little I wanted (and I'll admit, I still do) to have a birthday party in Ikea because it was my favourite place in the world
7. I love reading blogs and watching youtube videos in my free time

My 15 favourite blogs was quite hard as I have so many, but here are 15 amazing blogs that you should all go and check out right now!

These 15 are all slightly different but all ones I very much enjoy reading, so I hope you do too.
Thank you again Lucy
and I hope you are all having a lovely week, only one more day until the weekend!

All my Love,
Maddy x

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