Sunday, 25 January 2015

Peanut Butter Goodness - A Healthy(ish) Cookie Recipe

I adore weekends. I mean, don't we all? The opportunity to laze around, eating good food and watching equally great films, without feeling guilty. Weekends are also a great time to catch up with your favourite hobbies. This weekend was spent catching up on vlogs and blogs whilst in the kitchen making these guilt-free beauties: my healthy(ish) peanut butter cookies. 
If the mention of 'peanut butter' makes your excited then these are the cookies for you. They are flourless and butter-less and taste yummy. 

(One thing to bare in mind: they are healthy so don't expect sweet, light cookies. Once you remember that, they are actually rather delicious)

The recipe is easy-squeezy-lemon-peasy with a few ingredients and a 30 minute chill before baking to allow you time to wash everything up… or take photos of your dog being quite frankly adorable 

What You'll Need:

two-thirds of a cup of oats 
two hundred and fifty grams of peanut butter (it's better if you use organic)
ninety grams of light brown sugar
one large egg
one half of a teaspoon of ground cinnamon
one teaspoon of baking soda

seventy grams of dark chocolate chips - optional but completely necessary

What You'll Have To Do:

- 180C
- 350F
- Gas Mark 4

1. Toss together the oats, cinnamon and baking soda
2. Beat the egg
3. Mix the peanut butter and brown sugar with the egg 
4. Mix in the dry ingredients slowly and you don't want to over-beat the egg 
5. Pop the mixture/dough into the fridge for half an hour to chill 
6. Line two baking trays will baking parchment 
7. Scoop the dough onto the trays - aim for about 1.5 tablespoon sizes (I did mine much bigger and they ended up as monsters!)
8. Press down the cookies will the back of a fork to flatten them and get a rigid effect - use a spoon if you are going for a neater look
9. Bake for 10 minutes and allow to cool on a cooling rack 

and ta dah! 10-14 delicious cookies that are perfect for pre/post workout or just for guilt free snacking and are helpfully very filling. They also taste gorgeous when eaten with raspberries - something I just discovered on the way back to school.

I assure you, they are much better than my dreadful food photography and presentational skills- I'll be working on that! 

Happy baking and have a fabulous week into the new month - crazy how fast it's gone already!

Love and Cookie-Crumbly Kisses,
Maddy x

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