Sunday, 4 January 2015

Small Things to Change Your Life Series: Introduction

I hope you all had the happiest of New Years - I cannot believe we are already four days in.

As you can see from the title of this post, this is the introduction to a series I am going to be doing on my blog this year. 
The 'small things to change your life' is a series I've had in my mind for a while, before I even started this blog. 

I got the idea after I came across a quote that really made me think a lot but sadly I could not find the original or the person who said this wonderful thing. So here's my best attempt at passing it on:

"If you don't think small things can have a big impact, try sleeping with a mosquito in the room." - unknown

Small things can hugely change others' lives and yours. The aim of this series is to inspire some of you to change in the smallest ways and make the biggest of impacts. 

It is a series of fortnightly posts crammed full of ideas and inspirations for changing your life for the better. 
The posts will alternate between tasks and tales. The tasks will be small things that you can do daily or weekly to improve your living, to help another or to help you appreciate this wonderful world we live in. The tales will be inspirational stories that have touched me and so I will be sharing my favourites with you. 

I'm very excited to get started on the first post and I hope you all enjoy.

Happy Sunday!
Maddy x

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