Friday, 19 December 2014

Stepping Out Of My Comfort Zone & Introducing Me

Hey there! I'm Maddy: a fifteen year old living in the monotonous countryside of England - although secretly I love the peace and quiet. Even though I cannot be sure how others see me, I'd describe myself as quiet at first, perspective and a dreamer who is too afraid to step outside my comfort-zone. A fan of Ed Sheeran, ampersands, thesauruses and wearing no shoes. A lover of animals, nature and rain. 

Reading and writing has and always will be my passion in life. Writing is something I've always wanted to do but it is also something I've been apprehensive of sharing. A few weeks ago I entered my school's writing competition and although sending the email was maybe the scariest thing I've ever done, I felt so incredible afterwards. I took the plunge and stepped out of my comfort zone. I know this may not seem a lot - some peoples' ideas of stepping out of a comfort zone is skydiving or swimming with sharks. But this was a big step for me. I don't believe I have any chance of winning but it was the putting myself out there that was the important part. 
Today - December 19th 2014 - after slaving over chemistry revision for two hours, preparing for my mocks in January, I took a break and watched youtube videos (something I regularly do) and read a few of my favourite blogs, including Ella Denton's We Need To Live More - the blog that sealed the deal and forced me to sit down and write this right now. She is incredibly inspirational and such a free spirit and I adore her blog. 
'That's what you should do.' My conscience whispered into my ear. The same conscience that told me to write a story for my school's competition and the same conscience who told me to press send. I think it's fair to say I've gradually developed a trust for this conscience over the last couple of months. A fair few hours of name and template searching and ta dah! 
Efflorescence & Dreams was born.
A small space on the internet.
My small space on the internet.
A space in which I can express my views, share moments, create wonders and maybe even inspire some, as Ella Denton (and many others) has inspired me. 

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” – Mary Oliver

Inspiration is everywhere: you can only see it if you open your eyes to the possibilities surrounding you.

All my love,
Maddy x

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