Sunday, 28 December 2014

My New Year's Resolutions - Appreciating Life A Little More

I cannot believe how quickly this year has gone. It feels that only yesterday I was celebrating the start of 2014 and now it is suddenly almost the end. Last year I didn't set myself resolutions but I wish I had. So, I've set myself some resolutions for 2015 and I intend to keep them.

The first is saying yes. Obviously if somebody asks me to jump off a cliff or punch a policeman, I won't say yes. But this year I've found there have been many occasions when I wish I'd said yes. I've discovered I never truly regret something I have done but I always regret the things I didn't. Whether it's a favour to a friend or a competition or simply a question. Saying yes (at appropriate times) is my main aim for the new year.

The second is trying new things. I am a  worrier, a big big worrier. I'm always picking out the things that could go wrong in a situation which results in me worrying more. Trying new things involves stepping out of one's comfort zone and that is something I am trying to do more of. So this year I want to do new, exciting things and I want to enjoy them. I'm also hoping this will give me a confidence boost or just decrease my worrying. 

Number three on my list is to get healthy. Recently I've been trying to get fit and healthy and obviously over this Christmas holiday I have not stuck to it. So starting tomorrow I'm having another go and I intend to keep it on into the new year. This involves eating right, exercising, sleeping better and becoming much more confident. I'll admit I've never been happy with my body but recently I've started developing a bit of a 'I don't give a f***' attitude towards my body which I am glad about. But I do want to get healthier and fitter. 

Last on my list but definitely an important one is being a bit kinder and aware of others. I know for a fact that when I'm tired or stressed I can be rather bitchy and not mean it. I also know I've recently been pushing some of my closest friends away, which is a stupid mistake and I don't want to push them any further. Friends are such an important part of my life and I'd hate it if I lost one of them. I'm also talking about being kinder to others too. Whether that's picking up a strangers scarf and getting it back to them or helping a younger year. I just want to start helping others more and to stop being quite so self-absorbed. We all are a little and that's alright, sometimes you need to care about yourself, but I want to make the world around me a happier place. So if I can help just one person, then I'll be doing a good job.

I suppose all of these resolutions are about appreciating my life a little more. I recently discovered a family member of mine was in a nasty crash and could be left paralysed. Things like this are a real wake up call and so I want to life every second of this year trying harder than I did last year. We shouldn't need horrible events to push us into reflecting a little more, but sadly we do.

I know the state of our world isn't the most pleasing of things, but what I want you -yes you, the brilliant person reading all this- is to step outside, take a walk, read a book, reflect on your life and start appreciating the beautiful world we live in and the wonderful people that surround us. 

I have all faith that 2015 is going to be a good year, with ups and downs of course, but a good one. 

"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough." - Oprah Winfrey

Happy New Year my lovelies. May it be filled with good people, happy moments and appreciation.

Maddy x

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Spreading Christmas Joy - My Very Simple Christmas Cookies

and the first real post begins...

Christmas is most definitely the most wonderful time of the year, and certainly my favourite. There is nothing I love more than oversized jumpers, crazy Christmas socks and a warm fire crackling near as my family and I watch an endless list of Christmas classics (Love Actually and Arthur Christmas are my favourites) or play board and card games, laughing as one of my brothers gets angry because I won cluedo again!
Today I'll be sharing with you one of my favourite and definitely the most simple christmas recipe. 
I've slowly been trying to start living a healthier lifestyle and in the future you can expect healthier recipes but it's christmas. I also like the idea of a balanced diet being mostly good for your body, but sometimes you need things that are good for your soul.
I love to bake and I love to invent and try new things within baking. This is a very simple biscuit recipe I have adapted from a long road of trial-and-error. 
It's quick and easy-peasy, and decorating them is a whirl. 

All you need is:
• a hundred and fourty grams of icing sugar 
• one egg yolk (dispose of the white)
• two hundred and fifty grams of butter (good for your soul!)
• three hundred and seventy five grams of plain flour 
• a good slosh of vanilla extract - (about one teaspoon)

                                                                 Preheat your ovens to:

Fan Oven: 170C
Gas 5
Aga Bottom Right (well, on mine it is)

How to make these deliciousnesses:

  1. Mix together the icing sugar, egg yolk, butter and vanilla extract until all mixed up
  2. Add the flour and mix until the mixture is a firm dough - do try to not over mix as this works up the gluten in the flour and the end result will not be satisfying
  3. Split the dough in half and squish them both into two flat discs and wrap in cling film before placing them in the fridge for at least twenty minutes (Tip: Get the discs of dough out one by one as it is much easier to cut out the shapes and place them on your baking tray if they are chilled, not warm.)
  4. Roll the dough out onto a slightly floured surface so it doesn't stick, and make sure to sprinkle dough onto your rolling pin too. Roll it to a thickness of about a centimetre (or thicker if you want thick biscuits) 
  5. Cut out the shapes - I used Christmas Tree, Snowflake, Candycane and Circle cutters for mine
  6. Place onto either a nonstick baking tray or a baking tray lined with non-stick baking paper and bake in the oven for around 10-12 minutes 
  7. Let your scrummy biscuits cool before trying to decorate them

Now onto the funniest part, DECORATING AHH

For mine, I used different methods and got some really fun results, so just play around and see what looks good and what doesn't work

I used icing sugar mixed with water, fondant icing and lots of squeezing icing I found in my local shop's cake section.

Enjoy these little joys, I adore the taste and icing them was so satisfying.
Have a fabulous Sunday and a very Merry Christmas with your loved ones. 
Remember Christmas time is also the greatest time for forgiving and forgetting.

Lots of Love and Christmassy Kisses,
Maddy x

Friday, 19 December 2014

Stepping Out Of My Comfort Zone & Introducing Me

Hey there! I'm Maddy: a fifteen year old living in the monotonous countryside of England - although secretly I love the peace and quiet. Even though I cannot be sure how others see me, I'd describe myself as quiet at first, perspective and a dreamer who is too afraid to step outside my comfort-zone. A fan of Ed Sheeran, ampersands, thesauruses and wearing no shoes. A lover of animals, nature and rain. 

Reading and writing has and always will be my passion in life. Writing is something I've always wanted to do but it is also something I've been apprehensive of sharing. A few weeks ago I entered my school's writing competition and although sending the email was maybe the scariest thing I've ever done, I felt so incredible afterwards. I took the plunge and stepped out of my comfort zone. I know this may not seem a lot - some peoples' ideas of stepping out of a comfort zone is skydiving or swimming with sharks. But this was a big step for me. I don't believe I have any chance of winning but it was the putting myself out there that was the important part. 
Today - December 19th 2014 - after slaving over chemistry revision for two hours, preparing for my mocks in January, I took a break and watched youtube videos (something I regularly do) and read a few of my favourite blogs, including Ella Denton's We Need To Live More - the blog that sealed the deal and forced me to sit down and write this right now. She is incredibly inspirational and such a free spirit and I adore her blog. 
'That's what you should do.' My conscience whispered into my ear. The same conscience that told me to write a story for my school's competition and the same conscience who told me to press send. I think it's fair to say I've gradually developed a trust for this conscience over the last couple of months. A fair few hours of name and template searching and ta dah! 
Efflorescence & Dreams was born.
A small space on the internet.
My small space on the internet.
A space in which I can express my views, share moments, create wonders and maybe even inspire some, as Ella Denton (and many others) has inspired me. 

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” – Mary Oliver

Inspiration is everywhere: you can only see it if you open your eyes to the possibilities surrounding you.

All my love,
Maddy x

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