About Me

Hello lovely person!
Welcome to my 'About Me' section of my blog.

I'm Maddy, I am fifteen years old and I live in England. I have a passion for writing and I also love photography and Efflorescence and Dreams is my small space on the internet in which I can share my thoughts, dreams and hopefully inspire some of you to do great things.
For a short summary of how I began my blog, have a look at my first post where I explain my love of writing and how I took the jump into a competition (which I still haven't heard about) and then started this blog.

On here you can find different series, photography and trip posts, recipes -mostly healthy -, advice and wisdom and my daily thoughts and dreams. 

Although I do love my clothes and makeup, this blog will not be focussing on those at all. Perhaps in the future but for now as I go to boarding school so I don't have a lot of time of dressing up and doing my makeup!

Thank you for reading,
All my love,
Maddy xx

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