Sunday, 1 March 2015

A Big Fat Sorry

Hello everybody,

I hope you are all having a fabulous and relaxing Sunday

I'm here to throw some excuses at you and apologies but I hope you can understand.

Yesterday, I hit 1500 blog views which is absolutely crazy and this makes me feel as though it can't just be my friends reading this!
However I've been very busy recently and I probably should have thought about this when I first created this little space four months ago. I'm in year 11 at school, which means in 2 months I will be sitting my GCSEs and obviously, I'm going to need to be revising tons to try and achieve something I'm proud of out of these exams.
Writing this, I've just realised quite how little time I have until they start and admittedly I'm not that panicked but I know I need to start focusing on my work more.
I know I haven't exactly dedicated all my time to this blog but it is more the time I have spent thinking about what to blog or worrying about my lack of blog posts and I just think it would be best if I just waited these exams out and then had a fresh start in Summer, with more fresh ideas and maybe a new name or template or even a new blog. I haven't decided yet but I know that I don't want to give up blogging. It is something I have really been enjoying but I just don't have the time at the moment.

Thank you for reading and I hope you understand,
Maddy x

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